
Your loved one is embarking on a new and exciting journey here at bet36365体育, with numerous opportunities to establish new friendships, 培养难忘的时刻, 庆祝未来的成就. However, being in a new environment can be intimidating. Those new to a college campus often feel overwhelmed once they step onto campus.

大量研究表明,学生对校园环境的归属感会影响他们对毕业的坚持. 通过加入兄弟会或姐妹会, your loved one will have the opportunity to meet many new and committed students, and their membership will begin to deepen their connection to campus immediately. 此外,兄弟会和姐妹会的校友报告a 更强的幸福感 在他们的职业生涯中, 社区, 财务状况, 身体, and social aspects compared to non-affiliated college alumni.

作为家长, 《bet36365体育投注》, 或者家庭成员, 我们希望你成为你所爱的人的兄弟会或姐妹会经历的积极合作伙伴,通过熟悉社区并支持你的学生一路走来. 当你了解更多或有问题时,兄弟会和姐妹会生活办公室是你的资源.


  • Maintain connections and check in on them, ensure that they are having a meaningful experience. If something doesn’t feel right, encourage them to seek help.
  • 有时间的时候参加活动. Having a loved one participate in their experience can mean a lot.
  • Ask questions and show your interest in their experience. 即使兄弟会或姐妹会不是你的经历, 鼓励你所爱的人如何继续积极地发展,可以使他们的大学经历有所不同.
  • Don’t impart your collegiate experience on your loved one. Whether or not fraternity or sorority was a part of your experience, 让你所爱的人去驾驭他们自己的旅程,让他们需要学习和成长的经历变得有意义.

您还可以通过加入Loper家庭连接的FSL社区页面,与bet36365体育校园和兄弟会和联谊会生活中的事件保持联系. 我们会定期发布故事, bet36365体育, and highlights from the 社区 for you to stay in the know!



For those unfamiliar with fraternity and sorority life at bet36365体育, 以下是一些常见的问题.